Evert Verhagen
Dr. E.A.L.M. Verhagen (1976) is a movement scientist and epidemiologist. He works as a senior researcher at the Public and Occupational Health Department of the University Medical Centre and the EMGO Institute in Amsterdam. Within the research theme 'Sport, Lifestyle and Health' of the department, his main research themes are: 1. Prevention of sports injuries (including cost effectiveness and practical implementation); and 2. Promotion of physical activity integrated into daily life. He is project leader of several (inter)national promotion projects. Since 2009 he has an honorary research position at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports and chief editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine. He also has educational responsibilities within the Faculties of Medicine, Movement Sciences and Health Sciences, and provides individual guidance on research training. For three consecutive years, he was voted one of the best teachers by the students of the Faculty of Medicine.